If you are relying on your home policy for coverage for your ATV, you may find that the available coverage, if any, is extremely limited. Normally, the home policy will only cover the ATV when it is used to service your property. There is no coverage for when the ATV is off of your premises; i.e. no recreational use or coverage when the ATV is away from your residence for camping, hunting or trail riding. Better to be safe than sorry.
A policy specifically designed for ATVs can fill all of those coverage gaps. These policies provide broad coverage for liability and physical damage to the ATV. They can also provide uninsured motorists coverage for when you are hit by another ATV and that owner does not have insurance; they will also provide underinsured motorists coverage for when you are hit by another ATV and that owner does not have enough insurance.
ATV policies are available for vehicles with three to eight wheels. Many have no minimum age requirements so that coverage continues even when your child is operating the ATV. Bilz Insurance will insure your ATV even if it’s your only policy with us. However, you can save money by insuring your ATV and vehicles with the same insurance company. You may also qualify for additional discounts if your ATV has specific safety features.